Bonneygrove Primary School Prospectus - 2016 - page 2

The governing body of Bonneygrove Primary school would
like to extend their very warm welcome to all new parents,
carers, and staff. We aim to provide your children with a good
quality education as outlined in this brochure.
At Bonneygrove, we pride ourselves on a team ethos to
promote the highest standards of learning and achievement
for all of our students.
‘Leaders, including Govenors determinedly move the
school forward. The headteacher, ably supported by the
deputy headteacher and a strong leadership team, strives
for excellence, and all staff understand and share the aims
of the school. Consequently, behaviour is good and pupils
thrive, both academically and in their personal development.’
(Ofsted 2015)
To ensure we are all working towards the same goal and
promote a lifelong love for learning, everything we do is
centred around the children and their right to be encouraged,
to achieve, to find their talents, to enjoy learning and to
succeed in whatever they choose. We strive to create an
environment that allows children to explore the depths of
education and that this carries on throughout their school life
and adulthood. At Bonneygrove, we are at the heart of our
community and provide a good school locally for you.
Our school
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