The Purbeck School Sixth Form prospectus 2023

The Purbeck School SIXTH FORM Prospectus

Supporting all of this is our unswerving commitment to student well-being. There is a dedicated team of sixth form staff who are here to support sixth form students. We understand that life and learning are not always smooth, so we have a network of support for each student through the comprehensive tutoring system and the sixth form office. We are very proud that OFSTED commented that, ‘learners are known well as individuals’ – this deep knowledge and understanding of each student is something that we pride ourselves on. We hope you decide to choose The Purbeck School Sixth Form and we look forward to welcoming you. Adam Darley Headteacher The Purbeck School Sixth Form is a unique place to learn that embraces the pursuit of academic excellence, fosters leadership, and creates opportunity, all within a supportive and nurturing environment. We are a national leader as an educational establishment. In every area of the school, students are taught by dedicated and expert staff who are passionate about their subject. Students who study at The Purbeck School Sixth Form routinely outperform those from other schools across the country and progress to renowned universities or sought-after apprenticeships. However, it is not just the academic performance that we aim to enhance at The Purbeck School. We also ensure that our students become young adults who are prepared to face the modern world with confidence and determination. Student leadership is an important part of sixth form life, whether it be through organising visits by university speakers, mentoring younger students, raising money for charity, or liaising with local businesses, we ensure that students leave this school with the self-confidence to progress to their chosen pathway. This is supported by a comprehensive enrichment programme that allows our students to embrace and thrive in the modern world. This can take many forms: political debate, sporting competitions, trips and visits, learning first aid, how to cook for yourself, or listening to varied and interesting speakers from different walks of life. There is a constant commitment to widen the life experience of our students. 3 “During our time here at Sixth Form, we grow and become young adults who are ready to cross the bridge to further education and the world.” 2

I am incredibly proud of The Purbeck School’s Sixth Form, enjoying my daily interactions with the sixth form team and our students. We work hard to combine positive relationships with high academic expectations, and with this our students continue to achieve great successes. We are highly committed to developing our students both academically and experientially. In short, they can expect to be taught by highly qualified professionals who will challenge them to become well-disciplined and imaginative experts in their fields. Additionally, our enrichment offer is designed to shape softer skills and broader understanding, with opportunities to help teach in local schools, gain work experience that is directly applicable to future career aspirations, visit countries such as Ghana, Tanzania and the United States, and pick up essential first aid and financial knowledge. The size of our sixth formmeans that we know each of our students well, being able to provide well-informed careers advice, additional study opportunities, and also a kind word and caring guidance when things feel a bit tough. There are a wealth of leadership opportunities, and students enjoy themselves on our infamous Christmas charity fancy dress day, at barbecues and a wide range of other informal events. In addition to the many Purbeck students who choose to commence post-16 A Level and BTEC study, our sixth form welcomes those completing their GCSEs in other local schools, as well as from further afield such as Scotland, Italy, Egypt and India. Likewise, after completing the two years of study with us, Purbeck sixth formers are well-equipped to embrace the wider world, progressing to study as undergraduates in a range of top universities including Oxford, Cambridge, or gain excellent higher-level apprenticeships with companies such as Aerospace, Babcock and JP Morgan. We look forward to working beside you in the next stage of growth as an individual. Simon Holmes Head of Sixth Form/Assistant Head 5 Why study at The Purbeck Sixth Form? The Purbeck School Sixth Form offers students an opportunity to thrive in a supportive, friendly and hardworking environment. By joining our sixth form you will be choosing to grow. We will help to nourish your academic knowledge. We will help to extend your wider skills and experiences. And you will be responsible for the depth of your development. 4

We offer a range of stimulating courses to suit different needs and abilities. Students can study bespoke packages; whether these be very academic facilitating subjects, vocational courses or a combination of A levels and vocational courses. Please see our dedicated Subject Information Booklet for full details. The Purbeck School Sixth Form Curriculum 6 We will offer you all this within the stability of an established and highly regarded community; you will receive excellent support both academically and pastorally. We will expect you to study hard as work in the sixth form is a significant step up from GCSEs - but a rewarding one; we will expect you to commit to growing, in not only your academic studies, but also by developing your experiential portfolio of skills and wider knowledge. You will participate fully and make the most of the many opportunities you are given. 7

I chose to continue my studies at The Purbeck Sixth Form after attending The Purbeck School from Year 7. The teachers are brilliant and specialists in their subjects. This is really good as there is someone there who can help you delve deeper in to a specific subject that you might want to study beyond A-levels and help you get where you want to go in the future. I am currently studying Maths, Physics and Photography A-levels to hopefully go and study Film Production at university. The support of the sixth form staff and teachers have helped me through the UCAS application process. As well as this, The Purbeck Sixth Form has provided me with amazing extra-curricular and super curricular activities such as work experience and other opportunities to develop my knowledge and passion for my studies. Jacob Having joined The Purbeck School for sixth form as an external student, I was apprehensive and nervous, however it soon became apparent that my time here was instead going to be an exciting and fulfilling journey. It is without doubt that the sixth form here at Purbeck supports our personal needs and guides us through challenges, as staff members get to know us as individuals, ensuring we are on track and feel motivated. Teachers often have an open-door policy, meaning as sixth formers we are able to seek help with school work, and advice regarding further education at any time. Rosie The jump from GCSEs to A-Levels is significant but I felt supported and welcomed by the whole of the sixth form team. Every single one of the teachers is an expert in their subject and have an in-depth knowledge of both the content and the exams. The reduced class sizes mean you can build up a relationship with both your classmates and your teachers. If you have any issues, they are all there for you because they care about your welfare and want you to achieve. During our time here at The Purbeck Sixth Form, we grow and become young adults who are ready to cross the bridge to further education and the world. Mabel The sixth form offers many opportunities alongside A-Level studies. These include weekly enrichment activities, talks from outside companies and universities, and leadership roles. As Swift’s house captain, I’ve had the opportunity to have a say in both sixth form and lower-school matters and events. This role on the leadership team has allowed me to gain the skills I’ll need when I leave sixth form, going onto uni and later employment. The sixth form has developed my confidence, organisation and time-management skills, whilst encouraging initiative and hard work. Sophie 9 “I like the set-up of the sixth form – there’s a good community feeling. There are lots of places to get work done and I am very productive in quiet studies. The Sixth Form Centre is a very good place to study – it’s clean, very quiet and easy to use. Great support from the Sixth Form staff who help you with whatever you need as much as they can.” Study spaces and the learning environment 8

Our Sixth Form values leadership and encourages everyone to take part and develop their talent. The student leadership team have many opportunities to practise and demonstrate their leadership, acting as role models for the whole school student body. Our leadership team consists of twelve students, all of whom have applied and interviewed for their roles. Each position is substantial and includes a job description which supports both the student and associated staff in providing a time-specific framework intended to secure strong experiential and practical outcomes. Roles include those of house captains and leaders of various teams including charity; welfare; wellbeing; press and promotion; student voice; social events coordinator. In addition, there are numerous opportunities to lead more informally within clubs, sporting and enrichment activities. Leadership “As student welfare prefect I lead other sixth form students in running a mentoring system, providing a friendly ear to listen to others whilst taking necessary action to improve school life for students. Being a part of the welfare team expands your communication skills and ability to help others; it is a very rewarding role.” 11 “The Purbeck Sixth Form is what I expected so it’s all good!” “I have lots of work! This means I am never bored and always have something to do.” “There are very supportive and helpful staff.” “I like how flexible sixth form has been able to be.” 10

Careers and guidance activities that the sixth form has to offer include university visits and employment fairs, support from tutors, pathway events, and expert and professional advice. All of these aspects play a vital part for students to research and access their next academic step or begin their career path. Careers 13 “There is a really good online platform called Unifrog which gives us exposure to careers-related topics, ideas, courses and jobs. Also I have plenty of one-toone careers advice, and the talk about barristers got me inspired to be one myself.” “There are friendly and helpful careers advisors; I’m thankful for the regular careers emails that are sent out as we are kept right up to date with information and opportunities.” We strongly believe that education is about personal growth and a wider understanding of society. We endeavour to ensure that our students are able to contribute fully to their own and the wider community. In addition to Wednesday afternoon sports and inter-school matches, our enrichment programme enables students to take part in a wide range of activities such as: primary school teaching experience; first aid training; personal finance management; ‘Arts, DIY and Crafts Club’; the Extended Project Qualification; and a host of volunteering and online course opportunities. We run a lecture programme featuring external speakers to provide knowledge, inspiration and understanding of the world around us. Enrichment 12 “I have been given so many opportunities to expand my learning and to develop myself personally, such as the opportunity to travel to Africa to teach in, and rebuild, schools.” “I love enrichment and it’s great to have an hour that’s not academic and I like the wide variety of options on offer.”

“All in all, it is a really good, well-maintained sixth form. Lovely teachers. Lovely atmosphere. It’s been great - thanks everyone!” 15 Whatever your pathway, we look forward to working with you to pursue your goals. If you would like to book a tour of the school or if you require any further information, please contact us. Together we grow. The Purbeck School Sixth Form: a bridge to your future 14

The Purbeck School Worgret Road, Wareham BH20 4PF 01929 550077 The Purbeck School SIXTH FORM