The Purbeck School Sixth Form prospectus 2023

Careers and guidance activities that the sixth form has to offer include university visits and employment fairs, support from tutors, pathway events, and expert and professional advice. All of these aspects play a vital part for students to research and access their next academic step or begin their career path. Careers 13 “There is a really good online platform called Unifrog which gives us exposure to careers-related topics, ideas, courses and jobs. Also I have plenty of one-toone careers advice, and the talk about barristers got me inspired to be one myself.” “There are friendly and helpful careers advisors; I’m thankful for the regular careers emails that are sent out as we are kept right up to date with information and opportunities.” We strongly believe that education is about personal growth and a wider understanding of society. We endeavour to ensure that our students are able to contribute fully to their own and the wider community. In addition to Wednesday afternoon sports and inter-school matches, our enrichment programme enables students to take part in a wide range of activities such as: primary school teaching experience; first aid training; personal finance management; ‘Arts, DIY and Crafts Club’; the Extended Project Qualification; and a host of volunteering and online course opportunities. We run a lecture programme featuring external speakers to provide knowledge, inspiration and understanding of the world around us. Enrichment 12 “I have been given so many opportunities to expand my learning and to develop myself personally, such as the opportunity to travel to Africa to teach in, and rebuild, schools.” “I love enrichment and it’s great to have an hour that’s not academic and I like the wide variety of options on offer.”