The Purbeck School Sixth Form prospectus 2023

Our Sixth Form values leadership and encourages everyone to take part and develop their talent. The student leadership team have many opportunities to practise and demonstrate their leadership, acting as role models for the whole school student body. Our leadership team consists of twelve students, all of whom have applied and interviewed for their roles. Each position is substantial and includes a job description which supports both the student and associated staff in providing a time-specific framework intended to secure strong experiential and practical outcomes. Roles include those of house captains and leaders of various teams including charity; welfare; wellbeing; press and promotion; student voice; social events coordinator. In addition, there are numerous opportunities to lead more informally within clubs, sporting and enrichment activities. Leadership “As student welfare prefect I lead other sixth form students in running a mentoring system, providing a friendly ear to listen to others whilst taking necessary action to improve school life for students. Being a part of the welfare team expands your communication skills and ability to help others; it is a very rewarding role.” 11 “The Purbeck Sixth Form is what I expected so it’s all good!” “I have lots of work! This means I am never bored and always have something to do.” “There are very supportive and helpful staff.” “I like how flexible sixth form has been able to be.” 10