The Purbeck School Sixth Form prospectus 2023

I chose to continue my studies at The Purbeck Sixth Form after attending The Purbeck School from Year 7. The teachers are brilliant and specialists in their subjects. This is really good as there is someone there who can help you delve deeper in to a specific subject that you might want to study beyond A-levels and help you get where you want to go in the future. I am currently studying Maths, Physics and Photography A-levels to hopefully go and study Film Production at university. The support of the sixth form staff and teachers have helped me through the UCAS application process. As well as this, The Purbeck Sixth Form has provided me with amazing extra-curricular and super curricular activities such as work experience and other opportunities to develop my knowledge and passion for my studies. Jacob Having joined The Purbeck School for sixth form as an external student, I was apprehensive and nervous, however it soon became apparent that my time here was instead going to be an exciting and fulfilling journey. It is without doubt that the sixth form here at Purbeck supports our personal needs and guides us through challenges, as staff members get to know us as individuals, ensuring we are on track and feel motivated. Teachers often have an open-door policy, meaning as sixth formers we are able to seek help with school work, and advice regarding further education at any time. Rosie The jump from GCSEs to A-Levels is significant but I felt supported and welcomed by the whole of the sixth form team. Every single one of the teachers is an expert in their subject and have an in-depth knowledge of both the content and the exams. The reduced class sizes mean you can build up a relationship with both your classmates and your teachers. If you have any issues, they are all there for you because they care about your welfare and want you to achieve. During our time here at The Purbeck Sixth Form, we grow and become young adults who are ready to cross the bridge to further education and the world. Mabel The sixth form offers many opportunities alongside A-Level studies. These include weekly enrichment activities, talks from outside companies and universities, and leadership roles. As Swift’s house captain, I’ve had the opportunity to have a say in both sixth form and lower-school matters and events. This role on the leadership team has allowed me to gain the skills I’ll need when I leave sixth form, going onto uni and later employment. The sixth form has developed my confidence, organisation and time-management skills, whilst encouraging initiative and hard work. Sophie 9 “I like the set-up of the sixth form – there’s a good community feeling. There are lots of places to get work done and I am very productive in quiet studies. The Sixth Form Centre is a very good place to study – it’s clean, very quiet and easy to use. Great support from the Sixth Form staff who help you with whatever you need as much as they can.” Study spaces and the learning environment 8