The Purbeck School Sixth Form prospectus 2023

Supporting all of this is our unswerving commitment to student well-being. There is a dedicated team of sixth form staff who are here to support sixth form students. We understand that life and learning are not always smooth, so we have a network of support for each student through the comprehensive tutoring system and the sixth form office. We are very proud that OFSTED commented that, ‘learners are known well as individuals’ – this deep knowledge and understanding of each student is something that we pride ourselves on. We hope you decide to choose The Purbeck School Sixth Form and we look forward to welcoming you. Adam Darley Headteacher The Purbeck School Sixth Form is a unique place to learn that embraces the pursuit of academic excellence, fosters leadership, and creates opportunity, all within a supportive and nurturing environment. We are a national leader as an educational establishment. In every area of the school, students are taught by dedicated and expert staff who are passionate about their subject. Students who study at The Purbeck School Sixth Form routinely outperform those from other schools across the country and progress to renowned universities or sought-after apprenticeships. However, it is not just the academic performance that we aim to enhance at The Purbeck School. We also ensure that our students become young adults who are prepared to face the modern world with confidence and determination. Student leadership is an important part of sixth form life, whether it be through organising visits by university speakers, mentoring younger students, raising money for charity, or liaising with local businesses, we ensure that students leave this school with the self-confidence to progress to their chosen pathway. This is supported by a comprehensive enrichment programme that allows our students to embrace and thrive in the modern world. This can take many forms: political debate, sporting competitions, trips and visits, learning first aid, how to cook for yourself, or listening to varied and interesting speakers from different walks of life. There is a constant commitment to widen the life experience of our students. 3 “During our time here at Sixth Form, we grow and become young adults who are ready to cross the bridge to further education and the world.” 2