The Purbeck School Sixth Form prospectus 2023

I am incredibly proud of The Purbeck School’s Sixth Form, enjoying my daily interactions with the sixth form team and our students. We work hard to combine positive relationships with high academic expectations, and with this our students continue to achieve great successes. We are highly committed to developing our students both academically and experientially. In short, they can expect to be taught by highly qualified professionals who will challenge them to become well-disciplined and imaginative experts in their fields. Additionally, our enrichment offer is designed to shape softer skills and broader understanding, with opportunities to help teach in local schools, gain work experience that is directly applicable to future career aspirations, visit countries such as Ghana, Tanzania and the United States, and pick up essential first aid and financial knowledge. The size of our sixth formmeans that we know each of our students well, being able to provide well-informed careers advice, additional study opportunities, and also a kind word and caring guidance when things feel a bit tough. There are a wealth of leadership opportunities, and students enjoy themselves on our infamous Christmas charity fancy dress day, at barbecues and a wide range of other informal events. In addition to the many Purbeck students who choose to commence post-16 A Level and BTEC study, our sixth form welcomes those completing their GCSEs in other local schools, as well as from further afield such as Scotland, Italy, Egypt and India. Likewise, after completing the two years of study with us, Purbeck sixth formers are well-equipped to embrace the wider world, progressing to study as undergraduates in a range of top universities including Oxford, Cambridge, or gain excellent higher-level apprenticeships with companies such as Aerospace, Babcock and JP Morgan. We look forward to working beside you in the next stage of growth as an individual. Simon Holmes Head of Sixth Form/Assistant Head 5 Why study at The Purbeck Sixth Form? The Purbeck School Sixth Form offers students an opportunity to thrive in a supportive, friendly and hardworking environment. By joining our sixth form you will be choosing to grow. We will help to nourish your academic knowledge. We will help to extend your wider skills and experiences. And you will be responsible for the depth of your development. 4