Royal Liberty School Prospectus 2015 - page 9

“I used to believe that working independently
built character. After doing my Duke of
Edinburgh Bronze Award I now believe the
saying that ‘two heads are better than one’.
Working together is the way forward.”
Lenny Mobley, Year 10
“In our first two weeks at the School we
went on an amazing trip to Mersea Island.
As soon as we got off from our long but fun
coach journey, we got into groups for our
first activity. It was the best was the Zip
Zak Khan, Year 7
“As a Captain, I completed the Silver SSAT
Student Leadership Award. It was hard work
and required independent learning, but it was
very rewarding. Not only does it look great
on my CV, but it has allowed me to make a
difference in the School and has boosted my
confidence in leading a group and taking
Rajan Mistry, Year 11
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