Thank you for your interest in Royal
Liberty School.
This is a unique school with a wealth
of tradition and history, yet a school
which always looks to the future.
Everyone at Royal Liberty School is
committed to empowering our
students to become successful,
creative, independent and resilient
learners. This is a school where
'Teachers have high expectations and
are ambitious for students'
achievement.’ (OFSTED 2013)
Our aim is to develop students'
ambition and confidence to equip
them to make a positive contribution
to the future of our society.
At Royal Liberty we believe in offering
an education that is exciting and
challenging for all students regardless
of background or ability. We are a
relatively small secondary school and
take advantage of this to get to know
our students well and create a
friendly, supporting and caring
environment for learning. Respect for
each other is one of our core values
Welcome to Royal Liberty School
and this contributes to the strong
sense of community within the school.
In 2006 we became a Specialist
Science College and the legacy of this
continues. We have a strong focus on
high achievement in all subjects with a
particular emphasis on Science and
Our partnership with universities and
other community organisations greatly
enhance the opportunities for students
to achieve their potential. We also
have exceptional Student Leadership
and Ambassador Programmes and
take every opportunity to develop skills
that will secure success in the future.
If you are looking for a school that is
committed to preparing students to
be the bright, ambitious young men
of tomorrow, then come and visit
Royal Liberty School.
I am proud of the students of this
school, they make Royal Liberty a
great place to come to every day.
Ms April Saunders