One of the most important values of our school is the belief that
learning is about engaging with the world, developing in students
a sense of wonder and curiosity about life.
At Royal Liberty we constantly review our curriculum and teaching
within the school to ensure that our students are excited about
their learning and are challenged to do their very best.
At Key Stage 3 students study the full range of National
Curriculum subjects. However, the way some subjects are taught
is new and different from many other schools.
In Key Stage 3 students are taught Religious Education, Citizenship
and Personal Social and Health Education through Cultural
Studies. This encourages students to think more deeply about
each subject and develop their understanding of the real world.
At Key Stage 3 - 4 students can choose from a wide range of
subjects. We recognise the importance of choices made at this
stage in their school career so each student is given individual
advice to support them in this process.
Teachers at Royal Liberty place an emphasis on students achieving
good literacy and numeracy skills in addition to acquiring specialist
subject knowledge. At Key Stage 3 we develop these skills
through extended writing tasks in every subject. There is an
emphasis on enjoyment of learning, with a strong focus
on the use of ICT to extend our students' understanding.
We know the importance of ICT in their world so we
teach students to use technology safely and wisely
recognising its power to transform learning.
and Challenging