Watford Grammar School for Girls Autumn 2016 Perspective - page 8-9

What made you want to work at Watford Grammar School for Girls?
The school has an excellent reputation, both locally and nationally. I also know several past pupils who always
speak highly of the education they received here. The ethos of the school resonates closely with my own. I am
a great believer in girls’ education, in the importance of inspirational subject teaching and a strong, academic
curriculum and also in nurturing in young women the skills and confidence they need to excel when they leave school.
If you could time travel to any point in history, where would you go and
This is my favourite question! I am a Seventeenth Century historian, with a particular interest in the reigns of
James I and Charles I and the English Civil War. It was a time when many revolutionary political ideas emerged.
I would love to go back to that time and meet Charles I, Oliver Cromwell and one of my own historical heroes,
John Lilburne, who was a leading Leveller. The Levellers were a political group who were the first to advocate that
the vote should be given to all men, rich or poor. John Lilburne’s wife also advocated votes for women. They all
sacrificed a great deal, so I would love to go back and meet them. I would also like to go back to Ancient Rome.
I would love to walk through the Forum, visit the baths and spend time in the law courts. We would finally know
what spoken Latin sounded like!
Will you change any of the traditions or awards from the Dame Helen era,
and if so what would they be?
I need to learn more about these in my first term!
What are your hobbies?
I love reading and going to the theatre. I visit a lot of art galleries. I am really looking forward to the American
Abstract Expressionism Exhibition at the Royal Academy in September, as Rothko is one of my favourite artists. I
enjoy learning languages and one day would love to learn Italian. I also swim regularly. I like to travel and always
find out about the history of the places that I visit. So I enjoy going to castles, museums, anything to do with history
really! I like music concerts and going to the opera. I am looking forward to all the concerts and plays here! I also
enjoy going to football matches, which some people find surprising!
We have been following you on Twitter - was Beyoncé good in concert?
Beyoncé was fantastic! I have some great photos from the concert.
Which Hogwarts House are you in?
Gryffindor, of course! Women have to be brave at heart, daring and have nerve in order to succeed. Members of
Gryffindor are also chivalrous. Chivalry is usually associated with male medieval knights, but if it can be defined
as encompassing the traits of courage, courteousness, a readiness to help others and a belief in justice, then that
sounds good too.
How do you feel about leaving the EU?
As an historian I feel I should stand back and wait to see what will happen next, both in the short and in the long
term. History is full of unexpected events and it is almost impossible to predict what will happen. Sorry, that is
a bit of a vague answer. I hope that people in Britain remember how important it is to be tolerant and to treat
everyone with equal respect and courtesy at all times.
If you were stranded on a desert island, what three things would you take
with you and why?
This is another great question! If I knew I were going to be stranded and could only take three things with me, I
would take a knife, a fishing net and a copy of Bear Grylls ‘Living Wild’ and I will need lots of luck to survive on
the island. Fortunately, I like eating fish.
If you had to change one thing about the school, what would it be?
It’s too early to tell! I have lots to learn about the school.
What are your priorities within education, particularly for girls and young
I want girls and young women to be inspired in school, to pursue their interests and to find new ones as they
progress through their education. I want them to learn leadership skills and to build their confidence, so that they
aim high, always aiming for the stars. I want girls to leave school having gained an excellent broad education,
having high goals and being equipped with the leadership skills and confidence they need to excel in their chosen
field and their chosen career. I also want girls and young women to learn how to create for themselves a good
work-life balance, to be mindful, to know how to combat any stress or anxiety, to learn how to keep themselves
healthy mentally, physically and emotionally and to know where to get help if they should need it. I am keen to
encourage girls to pursue courses and careers in STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)
but I also want them to pursue any subjects they love both at
school and beyond.
How would you hope to improve
provision for mental health problems in
the school?
This is a very important question. Again, it is
too early to tell. I aim to look into this and
see if improvement is required. I would
like to hear thoughts and suggestions
about this from the girls.
Follow Mrs Wagner on Twitter
Before the summer holidays we asked the girls to put questions to their new
Headmistress. Mrs Wagner was delighted that the girls want to get to know her
and has answered the questions below:
1,2-3,4-5,6-7 10-11,12-13,14-15,16-17,18-19,20-21,22-23,24-25,26-27,28-29,...32
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