Prospect School - Prospectus

Prospect School actively promotes the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. Students study the Democratic process in England. They identify local, national and global issues through news articles and consider how they can influence this using the political process. The importance of the rule of law is covered in lessons as is diversity. They study the way laws, responsibilities and rights, consequences as well as the law and protection of human rights which includes the right to freedom of religion. In KS4 RE, the right to religion is also discussed and taught in detail. Also within RE lessons at both KS3 and KS4, students are encouraged to share their religious beliefs freely and all are given equal weight in each theme we discuss. CITIZENSHIP Citizenship and PSHE at Prospect intends to arm students with the knowledge and skills they need to make healthy decisions that allow them to become healthy, happy and successful adults. All students take part in Citizenship and PSHE activities with their tutor each week discussing a range of different issues through ‘theme of the week’. The themes include ideas about World Citizenship, careers, volunteering and the environment as well as how to resolve conflicts, internet safety, bullying and healthy lifestyles. Students are encouraged to consider the impact of their own personal decisions and actions. Students also have the opportunity to investigate and discuss some of these issues in more detail on Citizenship/PSHE in their PHSE lessons. On these days a number of visitors with expertise in a particular area come to school to lead sessions for the students such as the safer schools police officer, NHS nurses, Adviza and Source. Prospect School Prospectus Page 11 Prospect School Prospectus Page 12