Prospect School - Prospectus

Students who are identified as requiring extra help, regardless of whether they have an EHCP (Education, Health and Care Plan), are supported both in lessons and in small groups by a team of Learning Mentors. This might include small group work, literacy and numeracy assistance, speech and communication input, counselling and support from a mentor in order to remove barriers to learning. The Bridge is a dedicated provision for a small number of students with Moderate Learning Difficulties and the places are allocated by the Local Authority. Students have a highly individualised timetable that supports their growth and development. Our English as an Additional Language Department is widely recognised for its outstanding practice. The students are supported by a team of dedicated teachers and Learning Mentors across both Key Stages, and particularly whilst students are studying for their GCSE’s. Prospect recognises the importance of career education and individual advice and guidance. Students throughout the school receive careers education and guidance through PSHE and Citizenship. In addition there are a number of networking events, workshops and visits, which are organised during the year using employers, colleges and universities which help provide independent and impartial advice to all the students. The School also employs a careers adviser with whom students can arrange individual appointments. Work related and enterprise learning is an important part of the school’s curriculum. Our more able students are stretched and challenged in their lessons. We work closely with universities and The Brilliant Club to ensure that they set their goals high and are supported in achieving them. SUPPORT FOR OUR STUDENTS We want all of our students to achieve more than they thought possible. To ensure that this happens, we recognise that all students need a supportive and caring environment in order to fully succeed and rise to the academic challenges we set them. Our commitment to academic excellence is achieved through a combination of challenge and care to ensure the success of our young people. Each student has a personal tutor who meets with them every day and they are the main point of contact for everything relating to their progress and achievement. Tutors stay with their tutor groups throughout their time at the school and so build a supportive relationship with each student and their families. The fostering of respectful relationships between students, their peers and staff allows everyone to feel a sense of pride in their school community and how it develops. Each year group is led by a Head of Year and supported by a team of people in our Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 Hubs, who are accountable for the academic achievement and personal growth of all of their students. They influence the personal and social education of the year group and are in charge of the social and cultural side of the school’s work. They are accountable for maintaining high standards of uniform, appearance and attendance whilst, at the same time, best placed to nurture each student so they can develop the skills to achieve. The school employs a wide range of additional services, including counselling, educational psychology, mentoring and advice to support our young people as they grow. We believe in investing in our young people and look for every opportunity to assist them. We are fiercely proud of our fully inclusive school and, as a comprehensive, we welcome students of all abilities. We aim to make suitable provision for individual learning needs, to meet all academic abilities, within a broad and balanced curriculum. OUR CURRICULUM IS BROAD AND BALANCED SO STUDENTS CAN KEEP THEIR OPTIONS FOR FUTURE STUDY AS OPEN AS POSSIBLE. “ “ Prospect School Prospectus Page 9 Prospect School Prospectus Page 10