Sigma Sixth Tendring Course Guide
A LEVEL SOCIOLOGY “The function of sociology, as of every science, is to reveal that which is hidden” Pierre Bourdieu Though most of us would like to think of ourselves as the authors of our own destiny, it is evident that humans are largely tribal. Human behaviour is not random, but follows patterns and trends, which are often shaped by forces outside of our control. Through studying this subject, students develop intellectual, investigative, discursive, and persuasive skills, togetherwithutilising research skills includingmethodology common toa rangeof Social Science subjects, e.g. interviews, questionnaires, observations etc. Sociology encourages lateral thinking by analysing different viewpoints and arguments put forward by various political and sociological thinkers. Students will study topics such as the role and functions of the education system including its relationship to the economy and to class structure, and differential educational achievement of social groups by social class, gender and ethnicity in contemporary society. Studentswill also study the issues relating to changes in family and household structure and the impact this has had on society. Students will also explore crime and deviance. In this unit, students will consider different explanations of crime and deviance and how various forms of behaviour become labelled as deviant. CURRICULUM STATEMENT The AQA course is 100% based on three examination papers at the end of year 13. COURSE CONTENT Students need to have achieved a minimum of 6 grades 5-9 incl. English and Maths. ENTRY CRITERIA
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