Sigma Sixth Tendring Course Guide

A LEVEL PHILOSOPHY, ETHICS AND RE “The unexamined life is not worth living” Socrates One of the most important things needed for personal individual development is self-examination of our beliefs and attitudes. This, ultimately, leads to a better society. Asweall live inaworldwithamyriadofworldviews, which include religious andsecular views; toa large extent, our personal perspectives are shaped and reflect some of these already existing worldviews. The breadth of the worldviews and moral spectrum is vast and can be confusing to a young person. This course offers the essential opportunity to explore and understand some of the worldviews, the exploration of human existence, sense of meaning, shifting moral codes, diversity and commonalities in religions. This will lead to personal growth through the ability to understand one’s worldview while also acknowledging and respecting other worldviews, thus becoming better global citizens. CURRICULUM STATEMENT • Component 1: Study of religions, religious figures and texts, religious concepts and religious life, significant social and historical development and religious practices • Component 2: Philosophy of religion, inductive and deductive arguments for God’s existence, problem of evil, religious experience, Freud’s/Jung’s views on religion, miracles, religious language etc. • Component 3: Ethics, ethical thought and application of ethical theories. Assessment: 3 exams based on the components, 2 hours each. COURSE CONTENT Students need to have achieved a minimum of 6 grades 5-9 incl. English and maths and a minimumof a grade 6 in English language or literature. Aminimumof a grade 6 in GCSE Religious Studies is desirable. ENTRY CRITERIA