Dyson Perrins Prospectus
LIFE IN ALL ITS FULLNESS DYSON PERRINS 08 09 Our staff provide excellent pastoral care, supported through our collective worship and joint celebrations throughout the school year. Students gain a sense of belonging and build strong, supportive relationships within their form group, and our House system also provides opportunities for competition, achievement and enjoyment with all students belonging to one of our four Houses: Ballard, Elgar, Foley, Morgan. Dedicated Year Leaders, Pastoral Managers and our Chaplain work together to ensure that all students feel supported. Students are encouraged to make decisions on their next steps by our careers team, including through work experience, mock interviews and a wide range of guest speakers. We recognise students’ well-being is crucial for their happiness, attendance and progress, so we ensure a wide variety of support is available. We believe in the importance of developing leadership skills, so we offer a wide range of opportunities for students to make a positive contribution to their community, including form reps, sports captains, peer-mentors and prefects. We expect our students to take on responsibilities and make a positive contribution to our community. PERSONAL GROWTH , SUPPORT & GUIDANCE Dyson Perrins is a caring community with Christian values, where students learn spiritual, moral, social and cultural values as we prepare them for adulthood and the wider world. “Staff and pupils have excellent relationships. Pupils treat staff with respect, are kind to one another, feel very safe and are able to do their best.” OFSTED “We will always be grateful for the way our two children were cared for at Dysons, were allowed to express themselves, and to go on to do what they loved.” PARENT FEEDBACK
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