Dyson Perrins Prospectus
LIFE IN ALL ITS FULLNESS DYSON PERRINS 06 07 All students study a wide variety of subjects that cover the National Curriculum and beyond. This approach in Key Stage Three prepares students to follow a combination of the academic English Baccalaureate subjects alongside practical and creative subjects in Key Stage Four. Our curriculum goes beyond the academic. The school’s Christian distinctiveness means we prioritise students’ personal, social and spiritual growth. Whether through our excellent Personal Development programme, character curriculum, or collective worship, we expect all young people to develop as responsible and kind citizens. We encourage a love of reading through our form group reading programme and opportunities across the curriculum. A VIBRANT CURRICULUM We offer a broad, balanced and rich curriculum that is built on the foundation of high expectations and ambition for all. “Inclusion and aspiration characterise Dyson Perrins.” SIAMS
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