Dyson Perrins Prospectus
LIFE IN ALL ITS FULLNESS DYSON PERRINS 04 05 Teachers have high expectations and encourage students to challenge themselves, be resilient, and always strive to achieve their best. Students are set ambitious targets in all subjects and their progress is regularly monitored. Parents are updated on their child’s progress throughout the year and we always welcome communication. Our teachers plan lessons and learning activities to cater for the needs of all learners, stretching our most able students and ensuring that those with additional needs are exceptionally well supported. ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE Our unrelenting focus on high standards across all aspects of school life ensures students make strong progress, whatever their starting points. “Pupils across the school are making strong progress towards their targets.” OFSTED “This school continues to be good...leaders have worked relentlessly to improve teaching and pupils’ progress.” OFSTED
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