Dyson Perrins Prospectus
LIFE IN ALL ITS FULLNESS DYSON PERRINS 02 03 To deliver academic excellence every day. To enable character development and personal growth. To provide extra-ordinary experiences that create life-long memories. To create a supportive and happy learning community with a sense of togetherness. To work in effective partnerships to have a positive influence across our community. B E L I E F | T R U S T | R E S I L I E NC E | C HA L L E NG E Our vision is simple; we want our students to develop academically and personally so they can achieve their potential and enjoy a bright future. Learning at Dyson Perrins is exciting and challenging and we have high expectations of all students. In addition to the academic curriculum, our students benefit from a wide range of extra-curricular opportunities that enrich the curriculum and create lasting memories and friendships. We believe our students should be happy and confident individuals who learn and thrive in a culture of respect. Dyson Perrins has a strong reputation for excellent pastoral care and our talented staff are committed to supporting every student to achieve their very best. This prospectus can only give you a flavour of our school so I encourage you to book a visit during a normal school day. I look forward to working with you to ensure your child gets the best out of their education and feels valued as a member of our community. A HAPPY AND SUCCESSFUL CHURCH SCHOOL OUR VISION Dyson Perrins is a happy and successful church school, committed to providing the very best education for our students. It is a privilege to lead Dyson Perrins. MIKE GUNSTON HEADTEACHER “A strikingly positive school culture. Staff and pupils have excellent relationships.” LIFE IN ALL ITS FULLNESS JOHN 10:10 OFSTED
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