
09 WELLBEING - HEALTHY MIND AND BODY Our holistic approach to education means we firmly believe that your child needs to feel safe and happy at school and at Tunbridge Wells Grammar School for Boys great emphasis is placed on pastoral care. Our priority is for students to feel safe and settled when they arrive at secondary school. Throughout their time at the school, the ‘All Round Excellence’ programme, delivered through tutor time and PSHE, encourages our young people to develop healthy strategies formanaging their ownmental wellbeing, personal relationships and physical health. Furthermore, our ethos of ‘Sport for All’ stems from the belief that physical activity and social interaction fromsport can contribute to everyone’s enjoyment, happiness and general life satisfaction. TWGSB students are offered a range of physical pursuits to suit every taste and ability level so that they can find the one that is right for them. We are equally as proud of our keen sports teams for football, rugby and cricket who regularly participate at county and national competitions. Our newSports Centre has a 5-court Sports Hall, activity studio, changing rooms and two teaching classrooms. Situated alongside our playing fields and 3Gartificial pitches this completes our comprehensive sports facilities on site. “You have helped my son settle into secondary school so well. He seems to have found his feet, friends and pleasure in school and this can only be because you and the whole staff team have gone above and beyond.” Y7 PARENT 08 “There is an obvious sense of trust and mutual respect between pupils and adults. As a result, pupils and staff work tirelessly together to achieve their best. Parents are positive, describing a ‘wonderful school’ where pupils make ‘fantastic progress.” OFSTED