
07 As students make their way through the school, our aim is to help them achieve and experience as much as they can in order to discover where their real passions lie. We have a diverse and extensive in-school co-curricular programme andwe are proud of our workwith local and national partners which develops students’ experience, knowledge and opportunities. A full programme of trips and visits allows students to experience social, sporting, performance, cultural and science-led activities which enhance their educational experience. TheHouse system is at the heart of our school life and it offers excitement, fun and friendly rivalry. We provide a safe and supportive environment where all students are encouraged to step out of their comfort zone and house points are awarded for excellence and determination in all endeavours, not just academic progress. PERSONAL DISCOVERY “The teaching, support and encouragement my son has received is outstanding, with outside speakers regularly booked and conference trips organised to enrich their learning… I am already recommending the Sixth Form to his friends’ parents from other schools.” Y11 PARENT 06