
05 Our culture of high impact teaching inspires our students to learn because they are excited, engaged and passionate about the world around them. Our curriculumvision is to empower our students not only to achieve academic excellence, but also to develop into global citizens who go on tomake a positive contribution to society. FromYear 7 students experience a comprehensive academic curriculum including the core subjects of English, maths and the sciences combinedwith the important creative subjects, languages, DT, PE and humanities. In Year 9, in addition to the core curriculum, students are able to choose 3 subjects for GCSE study and students entering Year 12 can choose fromthewidest range of A level subjects in the local area. Wewant every student to realise their full personal and academic potential, whatever their particular skills or abilities and our teamof inspirational teachers and pastoral staff support each individual to ensure they are challenged and stretched to reach the highest standards of achievement and attainment. AIMING HIGH “TWGSB has been a fantastic school for our son. We have seen him develop, mature and flourish as a result of the grounded support he has had from all the staff at the school.” Y7 PARENT “The only reason I am able to apply to such competitive universities, is because of the superb education I have received from TWGSB.” Y13 STUDENT 04 RESPECT. EXCELLENCE. DETERMINATION.