Crookhorn College Prospectus

This supports and complements other aspects of our curriculum such as personal, social and health education, citizenship, and the constant promotion of lifelong learning. We are also fully committed to Year 10 students having two weeks’ work experience. We find this a vital part in the personal and social development of students, enabling them to have a much greater empathy and understanding of the world of work, and we have many examples of students securing apprenticeships as a result of these placements. We know that to succeed in today’s competitive world requires more than just good grades, and we believe that the all-round education that Crookhorn provides will serve your son or daughter well as they take their place in society. During their time here students begin to understand who they are and how they can lead different and fulfilling lives, and become successful members of the community FULLY PREPARED FOR LIFE BEYOND CROOKHORN All Crookhorn students are encouraged to be outward looking, thoughtful and independent. We have high standards and expect our students to achieve at Crookhorn College and beyond. Careers education and guidance is taken very seriously with a dedicated team of specialists employed by the College to help with the transition to post 16 and higher education. We support our students in three key ways: self-development, career exploration and career management. We are rightly proud of our students and we look forward to welcoming you to Crookhorn.